Address: 116 Wadsworth Drive, Nipigon
Phone: 1-807-887-3909
Hours: Open June 1 to Labour Day
Accessible Chair Lift
The Nipigon Swimming Pool is accessible for individuals wishing to come to the pool but have difficulties entering the pool. Inform one of our staff members if you require assistance.
Public Swim
Open to anyone with an interest in swimming.
Family Swim
Open to all families. A parent or guardian MUST be in the water with the children at all times. Family rates applies to immediate family members only.
* Immediate family: parent/guardian and children
Adult Lengths
Open to swimmers interested in swimming lengths for fitness or pleasure. All swimmers must be at least 13 years of age to participate.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Hours Type 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Adult Lengths/Family Swim 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Aquabics 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Family Swim/Rentals (Mon/Fri) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Closed for Lunch 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Public Swim 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Adult Lengths/Family Swim 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Public Swim FREE PUBLIC SWIMS
Day Hours Sponsored By Red Rock Indian Band Township of NIpigon THIS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO UNFORESEEN CHANGES.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons are provided in 4 sessions. Each session runs every day for 2 weeks. All levels will be offered pending on registration in the various classes.
- Preschool A, B, C, D, E - 3 to 5 years of age
- Swimmer 1 to 6 - children 5 years of age and older
- Rookie, Ranger, Star - for those who have completed swimmer 6
- Bronze Medallion / Bronze Cross - 13 years +
A low impact aqua fitness class for all ages! Classes are led by our trained instructors, however, participants may exercise at their own pace.
Canada Day Free Fun Swim!
Join us at the Pool on July 1st for Canada Day festivities.
Junior Olympics
FREE. Swimming and diving competitions. Prizes and medals to be won! Come out and show your skills while having a great time!
When: Beginning of August.
Nipigon Tryathlon
Nipigon's family friendly Tryathlon. Compete as an individual or on a team. Swim in the pool, bike and then run. Distances vary depending on age group.
When: mid-August
Swim Passes / Admission
Daily Seasonal Child $3.00 $60.00 Student (14 to 18) $4.00 $70.00 Senior (55+) $3.00 $70.00 Adult $5.00 $85.00 Family
(immediate only)$10.00 $130.00 Aquabics $6.00 $110.00
FEE: $70.00 per hour
Perfect for windups and birthday parties! Rent the pool for an hour for any desired event, pending availability. They must be booked at least one week prior and can be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm and Sundays from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
Refunds will only be given on account of bad weather (ie. lightening and thunder).
Fee must be paid when booked or it will not be scheduled
Admission Requirements
- Children under the age of 10 who are non-swimmers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is at least 13 years old.
- Children under the age of 10 who are swimmers may be admitted into the pool unaccompanied
- A swim test, of one length of the pool, is required for all kids interested in swimming in the deep end
- Children under the age of 6 may not be admitted into the pool unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian who are responsible for direct supervision - maximum of two people / parent
- There must be one supervising caregiver for every 4 non-swimmers aged 6 to 9
- No parents on deck during swimming lessons!
- Anyone infected with a communicable disease or having open sores on their body will not be allowed in the pool
- Attire: Swimsuits or clean shorts and/or a clean t-shirt. Children who are not toilet trained must wear little swimmers with their swimsuit. No disposable or cloth diapers are permitted
- Everyone must shower before entering the pool